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If you have any questions, or want us to publish a story of yours/opinion for an article, or if you need any designing, contact Josh or Renata! 

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REMEMBER- As editors and designers, we can be silly, too, and we're human. Please refrain from spamming us, sending us hate messages or promoting disrespectful opinions. Remember that I.D. magazine was originally created as a project for school and we are open to any kind of perspective there is- to promote harmony in a precariously held society. The opinions of the people in the articles of I.D. do not project our own personal opinions, yet they reflect an image of an idealism out there in the world. Thank you for visiting this webpage!


-Renata Julia Ordóñez Smith, creator of I.D. magazine. (2017)



This month: Feed Our Families!

Thanksgiving break



I.D was created with the purpose to help teenagers have a voice, and express any opinion they desire. Today, it is common to fall into prejudices due to someone's perspective, because it may be easy to assume that they are conservative, or liberal, or that just because of their religion or way of living, they don't support the same things you or me do. However, this is not always true! There are many wonderful people among us, and if we want to learn to get along in such a fragile society, we need to learn to listen. Have you ever considered why someone is pro-second Amendment, or what it feels like to have risked your life crossing the border? It is, in fact, very interesting and humbling to learn why people think what they think, and why they are who they are. That is why I.D. represents identity.

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