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Have you ever considered how hard it is to make a magazine? Sure, this one may be online- but have you ever imagined how hard it is to interview people with such different beliefs than yours, and then turn their opinions into a factual story? Have you ever thought about how hard it is to take so many photos, edit them, format them along with the page, put everything together, and turn all this into the attractive magazine you can end up holding in your hands? Magazines are a piece of art. The whole purpose of I.D. is to prove and show how students and teenagers can communicate their ideas on what is going on in the world and become more informed about their surroundings. I.D.'s other purpose is to do investigation on current events that have been impacting the way teenagers develop and discover their identity; this is why the magazine is called I.D., to promote teenagers to be able to identify themselves in a changing society. It's purpose is to let different voices be heard, and their stories be known, so that there is a growing acceptance of different cultures and ideas. At the same time, readers can distinguishing the importance of art and literature, even in magazines, because there are very visual elements that contain information- but also a perspective and a point of view from the individual that wrote the article and designed the magazine. I want adults and teenagers to realize the power that communicating opinions contains, and that those can be expressed through photography, creativity, research, art and writing; from all different cultural and political viewpoints.

 ABOUT I.D.'s creators: 

Both of us are students in the I.B. program at Poudre High School, and we...  

Josh Birlingmair- I've never been a fan of the arts-and-crafts version of design, however, I really enjoy using computer programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to design. The design of the magazine is important because you can convey a message in a way beyond what words can do. Although you should never underestimate the power of words...

Renata Ordóñez- I am from Mexico City, a place where ideas, politics, and lifestyles collide every day- and in the United States that is true, too. Yet even with such a variety of opinions that float around today, we are not readily willing to hear a voice different than our own. But why not? After interviewing just one person, Bella, my whole viewpoints changed and I was more hesitant to judge people because I had seen life through her eyes. Why not do the same? Everybody suffers differently, everybody wakes up  to something different each morning, and everybody is moulded in different ways by their environment... so why not listen, and see why and how they are who they are? I love to write, yet English can be somewhat challenging for me sometimes, so I decided that a magazine would be a great way for people to open up their minds, and for me to get better at writing. If you ever have a story or a respectful viewpoint you wish to share to the world, let me know, and I can write your story! Let your voice be heard. 


this is josh b.'s temporary photo. he likes cheese pizza. credits: dr. odd.



This month: Feed Our Families!

Thanksgiving break



I.D was created with the purpose to help teenagers have a voice, and express any opinion they desire. Today, it is common to fall into prejudices due to someone's perspective, because it may be easy to assume that they are conservative, or liberal, or that just because of their religion or way of living, they don't support the same things you or me do. However, this is not always true! There are many wonderful people among us, and if we want to learn to get along in such a fragile society, we need to learn to listen. Have you ever considered why someone is pro-second Amendment, or what it feels like to have risked your life crossing the border? It is, in fact, very interesting and humbling to learn why people think what they think, and why they are who they are. That is why I.D. represents identity.

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